
Your cock often almost too deep in my throat. You finally pulled me up and sat on the shower seat. You took my cock in your mouth in one hand and messaged my ass and balls with the other. Soon I felt a finger invading my ass. Then two. I was standing, holding onto the shower door handle with one foot flat on the floor and the other on your knee to give you better access. The pleasure was intense and I moaned out and pushed against your fingers. Just when I thought I would explode, you got up. "Um, no thank you. All right, and I think we have a similar problem with our records. Timmy, I know why the judge is making you do legal aid as community service!" "Oh brother, did it hit the papers? I thought Idid a good job hushing it up!" I got busted for a soliciting charge, misdemeanour, at a downtown hotel bar. And it was mythird time picking a vice cop instead of a hooker. "No, it's all right, I just happen to know because an old girlfriend of mine who was in the business in. As I was bending the door to the apartment opened and smacked me right in the head. "My bad shawty..." I looked up and tried to focus on the person who said something. I thought it was Darren but as I focused I could see that he looked better, in fact he was the best looking man I had seen in a while, but he was so different from what I was used to. He stood about 6'2 toweri ng over my 5'4 frame. His muscles ooozzzed of sex appeal in his white wife beater under shirt. His baggy blue jeans hung. Lorna also noticed.“Jeez mom, your breast are almost falling out.” Lorna complained.Your mom didn't respond to the comment, instead she stood up, went and got her glass and came back to sit beside me. Placing her glass on the coffee table, your mother once again grab my wrist and seemed to study my palm.“Such big hands.” She said, looking as if she were in a trance. “I bet they felt real nice on your skin Lorna.”Lorna almost choked, as she was sipping on her drink. “Mother!”“Oh stop being.
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